
Showing posts from December, 2014

Happy New Year from Your Friends at Morbid Anatomy!

"A strange holiday new year's greeting with two costumed girls standing in front of a fountain holding an unfurled fan that reads 'A Happy New Year', 1920." via Transcendental Graphics/Getty Images .

Support Morbid Anatomy with your End of Year Giving!

2014 has been a remarkable year for Morbid Anatomy, with the launch of the Morbid Anatomy Museum and our critically acclaimed inaugural exhibition "The Art of Mourning ;" the release of The Morbid Anatomy Antholog y ; hundreds of lectures and events ; and amazing, educational field trips to such disparate places as Mexico , Amsterdam , Baltimore and Barcelona . We could not have done any of this without our fans and followers. And we thank you. If you appreciate our programming, please consider supporting Morbid Anatomy in your end of year giving ! Every year, museums such as ours rely on annual fund donations to underwrite exhibits, fund programs, and to pay staff. If all of our followers donated $5, we would meet our funding goals for the year. We have already done much to advance the Museum’s exceptional programming and expand dramatically its reach within the community of rogue scholars and intrepid admirers of the extraordinary. Our future is bright, but we are dependi...

Merry Christmas and Happy Krampusnacht From Your Friends at Morbid Anatomy!

Merry Christmas from Morbid Anatomy with St. Nicholas and Krampus , his Eastern European, birch-switch-beating, lolling-tongued, cloven-hoofed, child-punishing side kick. In places such as Germany and Hungary, Krampus continues to be a beloved part—and to our mind, the highlight of!—the Christmas season, joining St. Nicholas for all his public appearances, even at local Burger Kings.   Each year, we at Morbid Anatomy honor Krampus in the form of gifts, apparel and parties. To see photos from last Saturday's annual Morbid Anatomy Krampus costume party, click here and here . To purchase special Morbid Anatomy Krampus gifts, click here .