"The Witches’ Cove," Follower of Jan Mandijn, 16th Century, From the collection of Jennifer Butkevich: Prints Now Available!
One our fav ori te pieces in our new Collector's Cabinet ex hibition--on view at The Morbid Anatomy Museum t hrough March 29th-- is "The Witches’ Cove , " a 16th ce ntury oil on panel pai nting dep icting a Boschian vision of a w itch es celebration, complete with unspeakable acts galore and cat s dancing in a ring. We know pre cious little about t he painting, which is the work of a follower of Jan Mandijn and resides in the collection of Morbid Anatomy Museum board member Jennifer Butkevich. Due to popular demand , we have pro duced print s of both the enti re painting and the beloved "Cat's Dance" detail see n abov e. Y ou can find out --and order p rints of your own ! --b y cl icking here . More on the piece, in the words of its own er: It has monsters and grotesques and dancing kitties. What else do you need? It takes me to a fantasy world of another time. It makes you fantasize about what people were thinking back in the 16th century...