Morbid Anatomy 2nd Annual Gala! Insect Petting Zoo! The Cult of Fashion! Demystifying Shamanism! Camera Obscura Workshop! Life After Near Death!
We have many wonderful upcoming events at the Morbid Anatomy Museum! First, please save the date for the second annual Morbid Anatomy Museum Gala and Afterparty . We hope you can join us for a special evening of dinner, drinks, performances & special guests, an auction of one-of-a-kind art, objects, and experiences, and much more this April 12th at the Bell House . We'll venture through the underbelly of 19th century Paris and learn about its labor conditions, prostitution, drinking, crime, and popular entertainment with author Luc Sante (Wednesday, February 10th, 7 pm); host a family-friendly insect and reptile petting zoo with NYU biology student, Aaron Rodriguez (Monday, February 29th, 7pm); look at the integral role of the dream in alchemical and creative practice with alchemist Brian Cotnoir (Monday, April 4th, 7 pm); Andi Harriman offers a history of goth subculture from its DIY beginnings in the late 70s to its demise at the turn of the 90s (Wednesday, April 27th, ...