Job Openings on Governor's Island: Director of External Relations and Vice President, OpenHouseGI
One of all time favorite cultural spaces in New York City--Governor's Island--is looking to hire for two positions: Director of External Relations (on which more here ) and Vice President, OpenHouseGI (more here ). Overview on each of these roles follows; You can find out more about them by clicking here here . Director of External Relations. Two key words drive so much of what we do on the Island: "welcoming" and "visible" and the Director will own all strategies and programs to insure that we are both welcoming and visible. This includes but is not limited to media relations, social media and the website. The Director will own work on the Island and in communities to insure that all New Yorkers, and increasingly tourists too, know about the island and feel welcome here. With the opening of the HIlls this summer, there will be a big push to make the Island more visible than ever. Second, and equally important, we have a new position VP of OpenHouseGi. Governors...