Help The Morbid Anatomy Museum Keep its Doors Open

Why support Morbid Anatomy? Click the play button above or this link to see our filmmaker in residence Ronni Thomas' take on that question.

Dear Friends,

We are writing to ask for your support in keeping the Morbid Anatomy Museum open. If we cannot raise $75,000 with this year’s annual appeal, we face the very real prospect that the Museum will close in the coming months. Our institution was made possible by the generous investment of private donors along with a dedicated group of early supporters, but we are at the limit of what we can ask them to give. We need your support to carry the Museum into 2017.

You can make a tax deductible donation now by clicking here.

Over the past two years, we have worked hard to create a museum unlike any other, and to support a community that values our distinctive exhibitions, lecture series, and workshops. We’re proud of the award winning and critically acclaimed work we have done, and we are striving to keep the Morbid Anatomy Museum affordable and accessible to our passionate community and the general public. Good press doesn’t pay the rent, however.

We need to expand our membership base and the financial support from our community if the Museum is to continue operations. If you have not joined as a member, please do. We are only 2,000 members away from breaking even in the coming year. We need your financial support if you want the Morbid Anatomy Museum to be an enduring part of the cultural fabric.

In addition to your support, we are working hard to ensure that we develop a broad base of funders so that we can be a sustainable institution. Those efforts take time, and by becoming a member today or making a tax-deductible contribution now, you help us have the time we need. With two years of successful programming behind us, we are just becoming eligible for federal and state grant programs, but these funds are increasingly difficult to acquire, even for the most established of museums.

And let's face facts: there are not a lot of grant programs for “death and beauty,” and there is no major philanthropic foundation dedicated to “the celebration of artifacts, histories and ideas that fall between the cracks of high and low culture.” Our founders have been exceptionally generous in seeing us through the launch of this incredible experiment, but we need to build a stronger base of support from our community to continue our efforts.

If you love what we do; if you want to support the kind of unique programming and educational opportunities we provide; if you enjoy the boundary-pushing exhibitions we produce, then please consider making a donation today so that our work can continue.

Happily, the one category the Morbid Anatomy Museum does fit is a 501(c)3 charitable non profit, so all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law! We are a chartered museum registered with the New York State Charities Bureau, and further information may be obtained by visiting our website at or by calling 347-799-1017.


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