SAVE THE DATE Vienna Anatomy Weekend with Josephinum & Narrenturm, October 13 and 14, 2018

We are beyond excited to announce our second Vienna Anatomy Weekend in partnership with two of the world's most magnificent medical museums-- the Josephinum, housing a historical collection of 18th century anatomical wax models crafted by Italy's La Specola workshop, and the pathological-anatomical collection housed in an 18th century former madhouse, the Narrenturm.

This special weekend will include exclusive front and back stage tours of these incredible historic collections, along with the opportunity to draw pieces from the collection. It will also include illustrated lectures by Eduard Winter of the Narrenturm, Martina Peters of the Josephinum, Laurens de Rooy of Amsterdam's Vrolik Museum, wax artist Eleanor Crook, and Morbid Anatomy's Joanna Ebenstein, all touching on the intersections of art and medicine, death and culture.

All programs will be in English.

More details to come soon, but you can stay alerted to updates here.

Image: 18th century Anatomical Venus; Alexander Ablogin/Josephinum


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